Thanks to everyone who responded to this discussion. I have enjoyed reading all of your reasons for beginning to homeschool. I wanted to add mine in as well.
My parents divorced when I was 5. I didn't see my father again until I was 12. My mom got a job working nights and my grandmother pretty much raised me. My mom worked nights and slept all day, so there wasn't much time left for me. I always knew I missed out on having a real family life, which was something that I always longed for. Once I had my own children, I knew that I wanted to give them the family life that I didn't get to have. I didn't know that I wanted to homeschool until my oldest child was about 4. I knew the time was getting closer and closer for her to start school. It was at that time that I really felt the Lord tugging on my heart to keep my daughter at home with me and her younger brother. I discussed this with my family and most of them laughed at the idea of me being able to actually teach my kids because I wasn't a "teacher." Despite their negativity, I pressed forward with what I believed the Lord was calling me to do. I knew nothing about homeschooling at the time. I was scared, had a lot of doubts that I wouldn't be able to teach my kids at home, and felt like I was going against all the advice of my friends and family. But deep inside, I just KNEW that I had to homeschool. I felt it that strongly. The main reasons behind my interest in homeschooling in the very beginning were a lot of the same reasons as many of you had:
I wanted to be with my kids instead of them being gone all day away from me
I wanted all of us to be able to spend time studying the bible as a family
I wanted them to have memories of learning together as opposed to going to school and being separated all day
I wanted to have flexibility in our schedule because their father's work schedule was always changing
When I first started I just knew that I had to jump in and see where it would lead us. We are now on our fourth year, and God has been so gracious to allow me the opportunity to be home with them everyday. I am so grateful that I followed the Lord's leading instead of listening to what others were telling me to do.
I keep on doing it because, you see, the Lord is the only one who truly knows our children. He knows their strengths and weaknesses better than anyone. Each day is a new opportunity for us to allow God to speak to us through our studies, reading, conversations...we just give the day to him and let his spirit lead our family and our homeschool. I know that our home is the best place for our children to learn about God, life, and yes, even math.
Academics for me, really didn't play a role in my decision, although I had heard that homeschooled children were usually way ahead of public school kids. Family was the main reason for my decision to keep my children at home.
I continue homeschooling because I feel it is my calling as a wife and a mother.
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