Dear Lord,
while sitting here today I can think of so many things that are wrong in my life. I am so disappointed with myself this week, and I am disappointed in others to. But I believe that somehow all of this is working together for my good, and I know that you're very close to me through it all.
Today I am thankful to you dear Lord for the little things in my life, even though some of these little things annoy me sometimes!
Thank you for the scrambling feet of little kittens, 4 of them, tearing up my house and knocking down things on my dresser. I know one day I will look back on this time and recall it with smiles and laughter.
Thank you for a mornings that I don't get up on time, instead I get to snuggle up with my husband a few hours longer than I should.
Thank you for healthy children, who try and make breakfast for themselves, and succeed in both cooking and tearing down my kitchen.
Thank you Lord for my messy floors, they remind me that this home is mine, clean or not.
Thank you for tears and restlessness, they draw me closer to you and reveal to me how dependent on you I really am. They tear down my walls of pride and make all of my intentions become transparent.
Thank you for all of the broken things I have, physical and spiritual, mental and emotional, because they all point to you, my unwavering foundation.
Thank you for all of the rain, I now have more frogs in my yard than I ever imagined possible. Since frogs are my favorite animal, I take this as a loving gesture from you.
Thank you for all the messes my husband makes, it reminds me that there once was a time when he didn't work from home and just how lucky we really are.
Thank you today for all the little things I have, beautiful and ugly, because you are in control of them all.
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