I have to admit that I fell into a trap. before we began our new year I started reading other blogs about school time scheduling. I was extremely busy over the summer with my notebooking website, and for some reason I started to think that a strict schedule during the day would allow things to run more smoothly and actually give us more time. I knew we had a lot more to do this year than last, and frankly I was worried how we would fit it all in. So, this schedule that I would create was to be the answer.
I literally spent a week preparing the schedule. I planed out exactly what time of the day each subject would be studied (the time it would begin and end) ; I added in a set lunch time; then I added in exact break times. Everything was so perfectly planned out.
Our first day back to school we started this new life on this perfect schedule. We got up on time, ate on time, did our subjects on time, and chores on time. It went just perfect. We continued this over the entire week, trying hard to stick to the timeline that I had established. Each day was a new start of trying to keep up with our time.
By the end of the week, something wasn't right. I started feeling like my schedule was my boss. If I allowed one time frame for work to run into the next, then my whole day ended up being behind. I actually started to measure my days success to how closely I was able to keep to this Almighty Schedule.
We kept this up for another week before I couldn't take it anymore. I broke down and cried.
Now, maybe for some of you this would seem really ridiculous. But for me, I was confronted with failure. The schedule I had created was the answer, so I thought, and I wasn't able to perform.
I actually had to take 3 days off of school the next week. My mind was clouded and my joy was gone. I had to hide my schedule away and look to God for the answer. I think I spent one whole day just crying to God.
I think as homeschooling moms, some of us try to be perfect. We compare ourselves to other moms, and try to spot our weaknesses by looking at others strengths, and then assessing where we don't measure up. This is very natural, at least for many of us. The truth is that we are all different, and what is right for one mom may be the totally wrong thing for another mom. We have to stop comparing ourselves to each other. we shouldn't become fixed on what others are doing, but rather search for the answer to the question "What does the Lord want for me and my family." You see, we were all created differently, with a different purpose in mind for our lives. Looking up to other moms, and comparing ourselves to other moms, is a very different thing.
I realized that my schedule was causing confusion and chaos in my life, as well as the life of my husband and children. God is not the author of confusion. So, I had to let it go and ask the Lord what he wanted for my family. I poured out my heart to him.
Since my schedule days ended, I have implemented a new routine, and it goes something like this:
Wake up between 7 and 8:30 ( sometimes I go to bed a little late because I am working on my business and the little bit of extra sleep in the morning goes a long way.)
Eat breakfast and do our morning routine
Start our day with daily devotional and prayer
Then we do our bible study, phonics and spelling. I do not put a time limit on this. Some days require more time than others depending on what we are learning. I think it's important my kids learn the word of God and I don't want to rush it if God is teaching us something great!
We then take a break. About 15 minutes, some days it's longer if I get a phone call or a visitor, or if a catastrophe happens!
Then we resume and do American History. Our time varies greatly from day to day on this. some days we have lots of reading, and some days we will do an arts and craft for this. On these days we will just spend what ever time it takes to get our activity or assignment completed.
we alternate science and math. Math is done for about 20 minutes on M/W/TH. Sometimes we only do math 2 days of the week. We use Math on the level, which makes for easier, lighter math assignments.
On T/F we do science. Friday is our nature journal day and we actually spend the entire school day on friday doing science. In the mornings we still have prayer and grammar ( we use Shirley english and it has to be done 5 days a week to keep up with their pace. So far it's going okay, but if it ever interferes with our enjoyment of our Friday nature studies then we will cut back to 4 days). If we are doing a science lapbook or unit study then we will do our work for that in the morning, and then spend a few hours out in nature. Each Friday is different and we are flexible to do as we wish. Our easy Fridays has been a blessing to our homeschool!
After science we break again for about 30 minutes.
My 1st grader is finished with school at this point. My 3rd grader will then sit with me as we do grammar and writing. Sometimes she does her writing as homework later on in the evening if our day has lingered.
Now this is just a rough plan of our day. Somedays we don't get around to everything, well actually, there are quite a few days that we don't get around to everything. I plan for a lot and we just do what we can do while still remaining happy and sane, which varies from day to day.
Isn't that a least one reason that we started homeschooling in the first place? To be able to have freedom in our day? Now, I'm not talking about the kind of irresponsible freedom that allows us to put off our responsibilities and duties. I am talking about the kind of freedom that allows us to enjoy each day, each moment, with our beloved children. These days will be not last forever. Homeschooling is not just about doing everything; being the best at every thing. Homeschooling is about precious, quality family time with our kids that will carry them through their life.
I am so profoundly proud that I stay at home with my darlings. This time is a gift from the Lord and I trust that he will make sure my little ones learn all they need to learn, as long as I surrender to him and let him be our homeschool leader. he knows our children better than we do. He knows their strengths, weaknesses, and HE has a plan for their lives. If we give each day to him and do what we can do, we have to trust that he is leading and guiding us.
I encourage you to ask the Lord today to lead your homeschool and guide your family where you need to go.
So, I am happy to say that I am free from the Almighty schedule, but a slave to my Almighty Lord.
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