Today's date is...January 1, 2009
This week my greatest challenges have been...tackling a large amount of things on my to do list that I have putting off until after Christmas
Things I wanted to do this week but didn't get around to far I can't think of anything
Our favorite thing we did in school this week was.. well, since there was no school this week I have to say that the "no school" part was the best, although I must admit I am ready to start back
Our least favorite thing we did in school this week was...since there was no school I can't say
My biggest accomplishments this week were...staying strong and on top of things while entertaining business partners of my husbands this week, and still tackling my heavy to do list
The biggest thing I need to work on doing better is...getting up earlier...haven't I said this one before .)
I feel I need the Lord to help me...stay committed to my new year's resolutions and see them through. I really want to do them, I just need the Lord to provide me with the strength to maintain once the new has worn off.
I am most thankful this week for... the copy and paste application on my computer
One word to sum up my week...busy!
If you would like to participate in this just put the image above on your blog with a link that redirects back to this page. Use the setup below each time you post.
Today's date is...
This week my greatest challenges have been...
Things I wanted to do this week but didn't get around to doing...
Our favorite thing we did in school this week was...
Our least favorite thing we did in school this week was...
My biggest accomplishments this week were...
The biggest thing I need to work on doing better is...
I feel I need the Lord to help me...
I am most thankful this week for...
One word to sum up my week...
Just copy this into your blog page and then fill it in. I ask that as you read others entries, you would pray for one another using the information that others put after "I feel I need the Lord to help me..."
if you are participating in this and have written your entry, please come back here and put a link to the exact page where your entry is located. Make sure it is the exact page your journal entry is on rather than your home page so that others can find your post easily. This way we can all share what we are going through together. I encourage you to invite others to join in with us! DO NOT put a link here if you haven't written a journal entry for this!! Please leave me a comment and let me know what you think.
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