Today's date is...October 23, 2008
This week my greatest challenges have been...keeping up on the house work
Things I wanted to do this week but didn't get around to doing...pretty much all of my house work, cleaning the bathroom, sweeping and mopping, and cleaning up the porch.
Our favorite thing we did in school this week was...Go to my son's first football practice (this wasn't for school, but it was a blast!) for school I would say our bible study
(my fathers world first grade), we finished up reading about Moses' death and the Israelites entering into the promise land
Our least favorite thing we did in school this week was...learning about report writing
My biggest accomplishments this week were...staying organized with school planning. I planned out my week on Friday night ( making all my photo copies and writing out my math sheets (math on the level) etc, and the week went very smoothly
The biggest thing I need to work on doing better my oldest daughter more personal responsibility for her school work getting finished, as opposed to me always reminding and asking her to do it ALL the time
I feel I need the Lord to help me...make quality time to read his word.
I am most thankful this week togetherness. My husband is working from home now and the whole family is able to spend a lot of quality time together...this wasn't always so, and I am so grateful for this. Thank you dear Lord!
One word to sum up my week...wonderful
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Today's date is...
This week my greatest challenges have been...
Things I wanted to do this week but didn't get around to doing...
Our favorite thing we did in school this week was...
Our least favorite thing we did in school this week was...
My biggest accomplishments this week were...
The biggest thing I need to work on doing better is...
I feel I need the Lord to help me...
I am most thankful this week for...
One word to sum up my week...
Just copy this into your blog page and then fill it in. I ask that as you read others entries, you would pray for one another using the information that others put after "I feel I need the Lord to help me..."
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